STANDING ORDERSThe Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized CavalryJune 14, 2017
Article 1.0. TITLE: Mechanized Cavalry Organization Defined.
1.1. The name of the organization shall be: The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry (SCVMC).
1.2. Official Emblems. The official emblem of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall be (a) the official emblem of the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) organization (b) with the word Mechanized on top and the word Cavalry on the bottom in a single one piece circle patch (example 1) or just the SCV logo (example 2.). The ‘Friends of the SCV’ has been granted their own patch (example 3) but it cannot be worn with any rockers.
1.1. The name of the organization shall be: The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry (SCVMC).
1.2. Official Emblems. The official emblem of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall be (a) the official emblem of the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) organization (b) with the word Mechanized on top and the word Cavalry on the bottom in a single one piece circle patch (example 1) or just the SCV logo (example 2.). The ‘Friends of the SCV’ has been granted their own patch (example 3) but it cannot be worn with any rockers.
Both of these logos (examples 1 and 2) were approved (Officers Meeting 6/6/2007) for use as a service mark (patch) to be worn only by SCVMC members in good standing. Membership dues, submitted to the Mechanized Cavalry, are only the cost of membership. The Service Mark or Patch is given to recruits on an on-loan basis. Acceptable rockers for these service marks are 1. Top – Assigned Battalion (“1st Battalion” etc.) 2. Bottom – Assigned Company (“Company A” etc.). Although other rockers can be worn with the Service Mark, it is advised that a rocker should in no way denote territory, (Example, a state name or city, an area of the country, etc.).
1.3. Organization. The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall be a non-profit, charitable organization whose membership will consist of members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans organization who are current on all dues owed the Sons of Confederate Veterans organization. There shall be a Headquarters Camp so designated in South Carolina named ‘SCV Camp 212 Mechanized Cavalry Headquarters, Blacksburg’ in which all members of the Mechanized Cavalry shall be listed as associate members.
Article 2.0. NATURE & PURPOSE
2.1. Motorcycle Enthusiast. The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry are motorcycle enthusiast who share the same historical devotion and are members of The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization.
2.2. The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall be an organization that carries on Stephen Dill Lee’s Charge to The Sons of Confederate Veterans.
2.3. The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall be a strictly patriotic, historical, educational, fraternal, benevolent, non-political, and a non-sectarian organization.
2.4. The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry neither embraces, nor espouses acts or ideologies of racial and religious bigotry, and further, condemns the misuse of the Sons of Confederate Veterans sacred symbols and flags that consist of the following: the Confederate States of America First National Flag, Second National Flag, Third National Flag, Confederate Battle Flag, and Bonnie Blue Flag, etc.
2.5. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Constitution, this assembly shall not, except to an insubstantial degree, engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are not in furtherance of the purpose of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry and The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization.
2.6. The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry will be covered under these Standing Orders and that all members of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall fall under the guidelines of the Constitution of The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization. And that The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry does recognize The Sons Of Confederate Veterans organization as being the legal, genealogical, and spiritual successor to The United Confederate Veterans and The United Sons of Confederate Veterans.
2.7. The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry has never been, is not now, nor shall ever be a motorcycle club. The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall be defined as a heritage preservation organization. No Company of the Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall ever own a clubhouse nor have a support club.
2.8. All new members of the Mechanized cavalry must be of legal age of 18 years old. Any current members under 18 years old shall be under the supervision of the legal parent or guardian. Should the legal guardian or parent leave the Mechanized Cavalry, the said minor shall also leave the Mechanized Cavalry.
3.1. Applications for Membership. Members of The Sons of Confederate Veterans whom are applying for application to The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry must be current on all dues with The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization. Applicants for membership must be men of good character who emulate the best qualities of the Confederate soldier, sailor, or statesman. Application fees of $100.00 shall be submitted to the Company Captain wherein the Captain will forward the application to SCVMC Head Quarters for verification with SCV IHQ so that a certificate can be issued. From the $100.00 application fee: HQ will receive $25.00 and the applicants Company will receive $75.00. The fee shall entitle the approved applicant with life time membership in the Mechanized Cavalry, a Service Mark (on loan for as long the member is in good standing) and other benefits to be determined by the Company (maintaining membership in the SCV is required).
3.2. Requirements for Membership. No individual shall be admitted into membership who has not attained membership in The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization first. Before making application to the Sons of Confederate Mechanized Cavalry a candidate or recruit must be an active member of the SCV for 6 months. Company Captains will follow up with Camp Commanders for inquiry on the demeanor, honor and commitment of the candidate or recruit prior to accepting application into the Mechanized Cavalry. Some Companies (States) may have additional requirements (attending three meetings, participation in three rides, etc.) before a member is accepted into the Company. No individual shall be admitted into membership that has not met the additional requirements of the Company for which he is applying. If denied application candidate or recruit must wait another 6 months before being reconsidered. Members of the Son of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall be attached to the Company of there residing State. Members on the border of a State can belong to the adjoining State/Company as long as both Captains have an approved written request from the member. A copy shall be maintained by SCVMC HQ for records as Captain’s change. Members must follow the Standing Orders/Company By-Laws of his attached Company. When visiting another State or Company members must follow the rules/By-Laws of that State at the direction of the Company Captain. If a member temporarily, less than 1 year, resides in another State he may remain attached to his home Company.
3.2.1. Transfer To SCV National Camp. If a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry transfers to the National SCV Headquarters Camp. They still belong to the Company of there residing State. No member shall be on their own, all members shall belong to a Company. If these requirements are not met the member be removed from the ranks of the SCVMC and his patch surrendered.
3.3. Proof of Credentials. No one shall be admitted into membership until satisfactory proof of his membership in The Sons of Confederate Veterans is submitted.
3.4. Conduct. Members shall at all-time conduct themselves as gentlemen, so as to bring credit and respect upon The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization and upon the memory of our Confederate forebears.
3.5. Termination. Membership shall cease by death, resignation, non-payment of dues to The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization, or expulsion. Members may also be temporarily suspended in accordance with these Standing Orders.
3.6. Death. Loss of life.
3.7. Resignation. A member may resign by sending a written resignation and his Service Mark (patch) to his Company Captain. The resignation shall be effective upon receipt by the Captain.
3.8. Expulsion. Any individual expelled from membership under the provisions of these Standing Orders shall be stricken from the roster and his name added to a list of undesirables.
3.9. Non-Payment. A member shall be removed from the roster for not making all payments due to The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization after notification from National Sons of Confederate Veterans of member’s delinquency.
4.1. Formation. The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall be the Regiment. The Regiment shall be divided into three (3) Battalions. The three (3) Battalions shall be divided into Companies. The number of Companies depends on the number of members in that Battalion and its geographical location. Usually a company is confined within the boundaries of a state but may encompass a group of states. 4.2. Regimental Commander (RC). The Regimental Commander General shall make any and all decisions related to the promotion and execution of policy in the absence of any other Constitutional body when time and logistics dictates an immediate response, but he shall confer with the officers of the Regiment at an opportunity that is convenient to all officers. The General shall be the principal officer of the Regiment, and shall apply himself in organizing his Regiment into battalions and companies, being careful to have all the requirements to strictly comply within the formation of battalions. He shall promptly transmit to Headquarters Staff and the Company Commanders (CC - also known as Company Captains) copies of all general and special orders, all circulars and circular letters, and other literature which may be issued by him or his officers. He shall be president of all meetings of the Regiment and the Company Captains. He has the duties of administration and supervision of the Regiment. The General shall perform such other duties as may, from time to time, be prescribed by the Company Captains and will receive a budget, as approved by the Company Captains, to take care of administrative expenses and limited travel expenses for travel to two (2) yearly Officer Meetings. His Head Quarters staff Commander Colonel, Sgt. Major, Chief-of-Staff, Adjutant, Chaplain-in-Chief, Webmaster, and three (3) Battalion Lt Colonel’s] shall be appointed by him to best serve the Regiment.
4.3. Company Captain’s. A Council of Company Captain’s (CCC) shall consist of the Company Captains both elected by the members of the Company and/or appointed by the Regimental Commander. The Captains shall represent the members of the Company in all matters at the Regiment level: create policy at the Regimental Officer Meetings, organize the members of the Company, create a staff of officers to aide in the running of the Company, provide the Regimental Commander with a report at least twice a year but preferably once a month, maintain order and harmony within the Company members, pursue and promote an active role in recruiting membership that will reflect highly on the SCV, and guide the Company to maintaining the goal of the SCV Charge.
4.4. Attendance. All members of the SCVMC Company Commanders and Head Quarters staff are expected to attend meetings of the SCVMC Officers meetings. Any officer that is not able to attend may select a member of his staff to represent that Company Commander (Captain) but notification of a substitute must be forwarded to the Regimental Commander General two (2) weeks prior to the meeting.
4.5. Removal. Any officer elected may be removed by the SCVMC Regimental Commander if, in his judgment, it is in the best interest of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry, that doing so the SCVMC will be thereby better served. An appellate review board consisting of the three (3) Battalion Lt Colonel’s, unless a Lt Colonel is involved, shall review and decide if the actions taken by the Regimental Commander were warranted and pass on any recommendations to the Company Captains.
4.6. Votes. Each member of the Company Captains shall have one (1) vote per motion during meetings of the SCVMC Company Captains Officers meetings. The members of the Regiment HQ Staff, Regimental Commander General, the Colonel, Sgt. Major, Chief-of-Staff, Adjutant, Webmaster, and Chaplain-In-Chief, Battalion Lt Colonel] shall have only one combined vote vested in the Regimental Commander.
4.7. Regiment Commander Election. The membership of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall elect a Regimental Commander General every two years by a majority vote of the Company Captains. The Regiment Commander, upon his election, shall appoint a staff to aide him in carrying out of all his duties.
4.8. Regiment Lt. Commander. The Regimental Colonel shall assist the General, and whenever the General is absent shall serve in his stead. The Colonel shall perform such duties as may, from time to time, be prescribed by the General, SCVMC Company Captains or Regimental Assembly.
4.9. The Adjutant. The Adjutant shall be the principal records officer. He must make sure that all records are kept in good order in such manner and according to such procedures approved by the Company Captains Council. He shall have custody of all current membership records of The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization, as well as the current and correct membership records of The Sons of Confederate Mechanized Cavalry. The Adjutant shall perform duties as may, from time to time, be prescribed by the General, Colonel, SCVMC Company Captains or Regimental Assembly.
4.10. BATTALION COMMANDERS. The Regimental Commander shall appoint all Battalion Commanders (Lt Colonels). The Lt. Colonel of the Battalion shall be the principal officer in the Battalion, and shall apply himself in organizing his Battalion into Company’s, being careful to have all the requirements to strictly comply within the formation of Company’s. He shall be president at all meetings of his appointed Battalion. The Lt. Colonel shall perform such duties as may, from time to time, be prescribed by the General, the Company Captains, or the membership of his Battalion.
4.11. COMPANY OFFICERS. The membership of each Company shall normally elect a Captain (once every two years, schedule determined by the Company; some Company Captains may be temporarily appointed by the Regimental Commander in such cases as: a death, a sickness, failure or inability of the Captain to perform his duties, etc.). This appointment is temporary until a proper Company election can be held. The election of this Officer is of prime importance to the health and welfare of not only the Company but of the SCV Mechanized Cavalry. The election of the Company Captain shall be by members present at the election only. The votes will be cast on a paper ballot with the members’ selection written on the ballot. The Captain of the Company shall be the principal officer in the Company and shall apply himself to organizing his Company. He has the duties of administration and supervision of his Company. He may create a staff of officers to aid in the running of the Company. The Captain shall represent the members of the Company in all matters at the Battalion and Regimental level. He shall provide the Battalion Lt. Colonel with a report twice a year. The Captain shall perform such other duties as, from time to time, be prescribed by the General, Headquarters Staff, the Company Captains, the Lt. Colonel of his Battalion, or the membership of his company.
4.12. Vacancies. Any vacancy occurring amongst the leadership of the Regiment shall be filled by the Regimental Commander General or the SCVMC Company Captains and in the case of Company officers; those vacancies will be appointed by the General until such time that elections can be held. Any vacancy occurring amongst the leadership of the Battalion shall be filled by the General with the advice and consent of the Company Captains.
Article 5.0. MEETINGS.
5.1. General Membership Meeting. The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry, Regiment, Battalions, and Companies must hold at least one (1) general assembly (also known as General Membership Meeting) per year, usually scheduled during the Annual Confederation for the purpose of transacting necessary business, passing on information, and a forum for Mechanized Cavalry members to address issues to the Company Captains Council.
5.2. Company Captains Meetings. The Company Captains shall meet at least two (2) times in a twelve (12) month period and one of those meetings will be held the week of the General Membership Meeting. The business of those Company Captains meetings shall be placed before the General Membership Meeting. The General may call such a meeting of the Company Captains Council at such a time and place as he may deem proper.
6.1. General Membership. The General Membership of the SCVMC will have an annual membership meeting once (1) a year, held at an annual assembly usually sponsored by a different Company each year. The Company hosting the Annual will dictate the site and time of the event. The general membership of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall be the membership of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry “in-good standing” that are present and accounted for during the Annual Assembly.
6.2. Notice. Notice of the General Assembly shall be provided to every member “in-good standing” at least ninety (90) days in advance. Notification shall include the time and place of the Assembly as well as the general nature of the business to be transacted.
6.3. President. The Regimental Commander or General shall be the president of the Annual Assembly; he may, at his discretion, designate another individual to serve as the Annual Assembly president. The appointed president must be a member “in-good standing” of The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization and a member of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry.
6.4. Time and Place. The Regiment shall be assembled in an Annual Assembly at a time, date, and place fixed at least one (1) year in advance by the Company Captains, subject to approval by the Regimental Commander and the host Company Captain; and shall not be altered or changed except in the event of an emergency or other crucial circumstances.
6.5. Voting. Each member “in-good standing” with The Sons of the Confederate Veterans organization that is a member of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall have one (1) vote per motion on any subject offered to the floor by the Regimental Commander.
6.6. Officer Election. Instructions for Elections of officers are stated in paragraph 4.11. Officers at the company level can either be appointed by the company commander or elected by the members of the company at the Captain’s discretion.
7.1. Regimental Commander General. At an Annual Officers Call held before the Annual Assembly and held every other year, the membership of the Company Captains of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall elect a Regimental Commander General.
7.2. Battalion Officers. The Battalion Commander is appointed by the Regimental Commander but any further requirement for the Battalion staff shall be appointed by the Battalion Commander unless he sees fit to offer any positions up for election by the Company Captains within the Battalion. Any position appointed by the Battalion Commander shall be an aide to the Battalion Commander only and will hold no authority over the Company Captains. They can relay messages from the Battalion Commander, advise the Company Captains upon their request, and help to take complaints or reports to the Battalion Commander as he sees needed. They are unable to command, pressure, or sway a Company Captain in any way.
7.3. Company Captains. At each Company Assembly held every two years, the membership of each Company shall elect a Captain. It is the responsibility of each sitting Captain to conduct an impartial election for a new Captain.
7.4. Elected Term. Elected officers shall serve for a term of two (2) years or until their successors are elected. They may succeed themselves in the same office to which they were elected. There is no set number of times they can be reelected.
7.5. Re-Election. Elected officers shall retain the right of re-election so long as they have conducted fair elections in which all members of the Company have been given the right of voting.
Publication of Charges. A member of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry may be censured or suspended or expelled from membership only upon proper showing of cause. Those charges shall be in writing and of such detail as to aid into the investigation of those charges. Secondhand testimony shall not be considered. Charges of misconduct shall be based upon disloyalty, neglect of duty, dishonesty, and conduct unbecoming a member of The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization or The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry. An individual who willfully and publicly disavows the Mechanized Cavalry to include (social media posts, photographs burning cutting or other destruction of their service marks, refusal to surrender service marks when requested, public displays wearing patches of a parallel group) is banned from reinstatement. An individual who leaves the Mechanized Cavalry to join a parallel group and desires to return is treated as a new applicant with a 6-month active member requirement and ban from being elected to any office for 2 years. An individual who willfully creates a parallel group in direct competition with the SCV or the Mechanized Cavalry is banned from reinstatement.
Charges proffered by a Company must be against one of its own members. The Regimental Commander or the Company Captains may proffer charges against any member of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry.
Battalions and Companies should be instrumental in resolving conflicts of their own members and should only forward to Regimental Command those complaints and accusations of misconduct that cannot be resolved.
8.1 Procedure:
1. Charges against a member must be in writing and delivered to the accused with delivery confirmation. A copy of said charges shall be forwarded to the Battalion Commander and or Regimental Command.
2. Accused has 14 days from confirmed receipt of charges to answer charges, accept disciplinary action, or file a formal appeal.
a. Failure to answer charges or file an appeal within 14 days is an automatic acceptance of charges and disciplinary action.
3. Appeals shall be filed in writing or emailed to Battalion Commander for consideration.
a. If the Battalion Commander upholds the charges and denies the appeal, the accused shall be considered convicted, & accept disciplinary action of company.
b. If the Battalion Commander disagrees with the charges and rules in favor of the accused, the Company Captain may appeal the Battalion Commanders' decision to Regimental Command.
i. Battalion Commander has 30 days from receipt of appeal to decide the matter.
c. For an appeal forwarded to Regimental Command, Regimental Command shall make recommendations, or forward the matter to the Council of Captains for decision.
i. Regimental Command's recommendation's may be appealed by either side and forwarded to the Council of Captains for final decision.
d. The Council of Captains having been forwarded a member's appeal, shall investigate the matter, and conduct an in person closed hearing at the next scheduled officers’ call.
i. The accused shall be notified in writing and with delivery confirmation of the date, location, and time of said hearing.
ii. The accused may be present at said hearing, & testify in their own defense.
iii. Accused may call witnesses, and provide evidence for their defense.
iv. The Council of Captains acts as the final arbiter in the matter. The decision of the Council is final, & binding. There are no further appellate options, as the matter is now settled.
8.2 Charges against a Company Captain:
Any member of a company may proffer charges against their Company Captain by forwarding the details to their Battalion Commander for review, investigation, and confirmation. The Battalion commander shall make such recommendations to the council of captains for their action: 1. accusations cannot be substantiated – no action; 2. accusations were true and accurate and remedial action should be taken; 3. accusations were valid and substantial, and the Captain should be removed from his post or removed from the roles of the SCVMC.
8.3 Charges against a HQ Officer:
Charges against Head Quarters Officers. Charges shall be submitted by any Captain to the Regimental Commander. The determination of charges shall be the responsibility of the Regimental Commander and he shall remove the officer from his position or forward the case to the council of Captains if he feels the offense is of such a nature as to warrant the officer’s removal from the SCVMC.
8.4 Expelled Members:
Expelled members, having been given a thorough review by all levels of the SCVMC, may not reenter the rolls of the SCVMC under any circumstances and will be asked to return their Service Mark. The failure of the member to disqualify the accusations and evidence presented against him in a fair and impartial investigation, the time and effort spent by all parties in the investigation and search for a resolution of the problem, cannot be laid aside by time or the promise of rehabilitation. Therefore, no consideration of the return of the Service Mark or membership shall be given to the expelled member.
Article 9.0. AMENDMENTS.
9.1 Amending the Articles. The articles of these Standing Orders may be amended, altered, or repealed by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry present and voting in the Company Officers meeting of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry.
1.3. Organization. The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall be a non-profit, charitable organization whose membership will consist of members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans organization who are current on all dues owed the Sons of Confederate Veterans organization. There shall be a Headquarters Camp so designated in South Carolina named ‘SCV Camp 212 Mechanized Cavalry Headquarters, Blacksburg’ in which all members of the Mechanized Cavalry shall be listed as associate members.
Article 2.0. NATURE & PURPOSE
2.1. Motorcycle Enthusiast. The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry are motorcycle enthusiast who share the same historical devotion and are members of The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization.
2.2. The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall be an organization that carries on Stephen Dill Lee’s Charge to The Sons of Confederate Veterans.
2.3. The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall be a strictly patriotic, historical, educational, fraternal, benevolent, non-political, and a non-sectarian organization.
2.4. The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry neither embraces, nor espouses acts or ideologies of racial and religious bigotry, and further, condemns the misuse of the Sons of Confederate Veterans sacred symbols and flags that consist of the following: the Confederate States of America First National Flag, Second National Flag, Third National Flag, Confederate Battle Flag, and Bonnie Blue Flag, etc.
2.5. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Constitution, this assembly shall not, except to an insubstantial degree, engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are not in furtherance of the purpose of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry and The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization.
2.6. The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry will be covered under these Standing Orders and that all members of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall fall under the guidelines of the Constitution of The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization. And that The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry does recognize The Sons Of Confederate Veterans organization as being the legal, genealogical, and spiritual successor to The United Confederate Veterans and The United Sons of Confederate Veterans.
2.7. The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry has never been, is not now, nor shall ever be a motorcycle club. The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall be defined as a heritage preservation organization. No Company of the Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall ever own a clubhouse nor have a support club.
2.8. All new members of the Mechanized cavalry must be of legal age of 18 years old. Any current members under 18 years old shall be under the supervision of the legal parent or guardian. Should the legal guardian or parent leave the Mechanized Cavalry, the said minor shall also leave the Mechanized Cavalry.
3.1. Applications for Membership. Members of The Sons of Confederate Veterans whom are applying for application to The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry must be current on all dues with The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization. Applicants for membership must be men of good character who emulate the best qualities of the Confederate soldier, sailor, or statesman. Application fees of $100.00 shall be submitted to the Company Captain wherein the Captain will forward the application to SCVMC Head Quarters for verification with SCV IHQ so that a certificate can be issued. From the $100.00 application fee: HQ will receive $25.00 and the applicants Company will receive $75.00. The fee shall entitle the approved applicant with life time membership in the Mechanized Cavalry, a Service Mark (on loan for as long the member is in good standing) and other benefits to be determined by the Company (maintaining membership in the SCV is required).
3.2. Requirements for Membership. No individual shall be admitted into membership who has not attained membership in The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization first. Before making application to the Sons of Confederate Mechanized Cavalry a candidate or recruit must be an active member of the SCV for 6 months. Company Captains will follow up with Camp Commanders for inquiry on the demeanor, honor and commitment of the candidate or recruit prior to accepting application into the Mechanized Cavalry. Some Companies (States) may have additional requirements (attending three meetings, participation in three rides, etc.) before a member is accepted into the Company. No individual shall be admitted into membership that has not met the additional requirements of the Company for which he is applying. If denied application candidate or recruit must wait another 6 months before being reconsidered. Members of the Son of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall be attached to the Company of there residing State. Members on the border of a State can belong to the adjoining State/Company as long as both Captains have an approved written request from the member. A copy shall be maintained by SCVMC HQ for records as Captain’s change. Members must follow the Standing Orders/Company By-Laws of his attached Company. When visiting another State or Company members must follow the rules/By-Laws of that State at the direction of the Company Captain. If a member temporarily, less than 1 year, resides in another State he may remain attached to his home Company.
3.2.1. Transfer To SCV National Camp. If a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry transfers to the National SCV Headquarters Camp. They still belong to the Company of there residing State. No member shall be on their own, all members shall belong to a Company. If these requirements are not met the member be removed from the ranks of the SCVMC and his patch surrendered.
3.3. Proof of Credentials. No one shall be admitted into membership until satisfactory proof of his membership in The Sons of Confederate Veterans is submitted.
3.4. Conduct. Members shall at all-time conduct themselves as gentlemen, so as to bring credit and respect upon The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization and upon the memory of our Confederate forebears.
3.5. Termination. Membership shall cease by death, resignation, non-payment of dues to The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization, or expulsion. Members may also be temporarily suspended in accordance with these Standing Orders.
3.6. Death. Loss of life.
3.7. Resignation. A member may resign by sending a written resignation and his Service Mark (patch) to his Company Captain. The resignation shall be effective upon receipt by the Captain.
3.8. Expulsion. Any individual expelled from membership under the provisions of these Standing Orders shall be stricken from the roster and his name added to a list of undesirables.
3.9. Non-Payment. A member shall be removed from the roster for not making all payments due to The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization after notification from National Sons of Confederate Veterans of member’s delinquency.
4.1. Formation. The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall be the Regiment. The Regiment shall be divided into three (3) Battalions. The three (3) Battalions shall be divided into Companies. The number of Companies depends on the number of members in that Battalion and its geographical location. Usually a company is confined within the boundaries of a state but may encompass a group of states. 4.2. Regimental Commander (RC). The Regimental Commander General shall make any and all decisions related to the promotion and execution of policy in the absence of any other Constitutional body when time and logistics dictates an immediate response, but he shall confer with the officers of the Regiment at an opportunity that is convenient to all officers. The General shall be the principal officer of the Regiment, and shall apply himself in organizing his Regiment into battalions and companies, being careful to have all the requirements to strictly comply within the formation of battalions. He shall promptly transmit to Headquarters Staff and the Company Commanders (CC - also known as Company Captains) copies of all general and special orders, all circulars and circular letters, and other literature which may be issued by him or his officers. He shall be president of all meetings of the Regiment and the Company Captains. He has the duties of administration and supervision of the Regiment. The General shall perform such other duties as may, from time to time, be prescribed by the Company Captains and will receive a budget, as approved by the Company Captains, to take care of administrative expenses and limited travel expenses for travel to two (2) yearly Officer Meetings. His Head Quarters staff Commander Colonel, Sgt. Major, Chief-of-Staff, Adjutant, Chaplain-in-Chief, Webmaster, and three (3) Battalion Lt Colonel’s] shall be appointed by him to best serve the Regiment.
4.3. Company Captain’s. A Council of Company Captain’s (CCC) shall consist of the Company Captains both elected by the members of the Company and/or appointed by the Regimental Commander. The Captains shall represent the members of the Company in all matters at the Regiment level: create policy at the Regimental Officer Meetings, organize the members of the Company, create a staff of officers to aide in the running of the Company, provide the Regimental Commander with a report at least twice a year but preferably once a month, maintain order and harmony within the Company members, pursue and promote an active role in recruiting membership that will reflect highly on the SCV, and guide the Company to maintaining the goal of the SCV Charge.
4.4. Attendance. All members of the SCVMC Company Commanders and Head Quarters staff are expected to attend meetings of the SCVMC Officers meetings. Any officer that is not able to attend may select a member of his staff to represent that Company Commander (Captain) but notification of a substitute must be forwarded to the Regimental Commander General two (2) weeks prior to the meeting.
4.5. Removal. Any officer elected may be removed by the SCVMC Regimental Commander if, in his judgment, it is in the best interest of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry, that doing so the SCVMC will be thereby better served. An appellate review board consisting of the three (3) Battalion Lt Colonel’s, unless a Lt Colonel is involved, shall review and decide if the actions taken by the Regimental Commander were warranted and pass on any recommendations to the Company Captains.
4.6. Votes. Each member of the Company Captains shall have one (1) vote per motion during meetings of the SCVMC Company Captains Officers meetings. The members of the Regiment HQ Staff, Regimental Commander General, the Colonel, Sgt. Major, Chief-of-Staff, Adjutant, Webmaster, and Chaplain-In-Chief, Battalion Lt Colonel] shall have only one combined vote vested in the Regimental Commander.
4.7. Regiment Commander Election. The membership of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall elect a Regimental Commander General every two years by a majority vote of the Company Captains. The Regiment Commander, upon his election, shall appoint a staff to aide him in carrying out of all his duties.
4.8. Regiment Lt. Commander. The Regimental Colonel shall assist the General, and whenever the General is absent shall serve in his stead. The Colonel shall perform such duties as may, from time to time, be prescribed by the General, SCVMC Company Captains or Regimental Assembly.
4.9. The Adjutant. The Adjutant shall be the principal records officer. He must make sure that all records are kept in good order in such manner and according to such procedures approved by the Company Captains Council. He shall have custody of all current membership records of The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization, as well as the current and correct membership records of The Sons of Confederate Mechanized Cavalry. The Adjutant shall perform duties as may, from time to time, be prescribed by the General, Colonel, SCVMC Company Captains or Regimental Assembly.
4.10. BATTALION COMMANDERS. The Regimental Commander shall appoint all Battalion Commanders (Lt Colonels). The Lt. Colonel of the Battalion shall be the principal officer in the Battalion, and shall apply himself in organizing his Battalion into Company’s, being careful to have all the requirements to strictly comply within the formation of Company’s. He shall be president at all meetings of his appointed Battalion. The Lt. Colonel shall perform such duties as may, from time to time, be prescribed by the General, the Company Captains, or the membership of his Battalion.
4.11. COMPANY OFFICERS. The membership of each Company shall normally elect a Captain (once every two years, schedule determined by the Company; some Company Captains may be temporarily appointed by the Regimental Commander in such cases as: a death, a sickness, failure or inability of the Captain to perform his duties, etc.). This appointment is temporary until a proper Company election can be held. The election of this Officer is of prime importance to the health and welfare of not only the Company but of the SCV Mechanized Cavalry. The election of the Company Captain shall be by members present at the election only. The votes will be cast on a paper ballot with the members’ selection written on the ballot. The Captain of the Company shall be the principal officer in the Company and shall apply himself to organizing his Company. He has the duties of administration and supervision of his Company. He may create a staff of officers to aid in the running of the Company. The Captain shall represent the members of the Company in all matters at the Battalion and Regimental level. He shall provide the Battalion Lt. Colonel with a report twice a year. The Captain shall perform such other duties as, from time to time, be prescribed by the General, Headquarters Staff, the Company Captains, the Lt. Colonel of his Battalion, or the membership of his company.
4.12. Vacancies. Any vacancy occurring amongst the leadership of the Regiment shall be filled by the Regimental Commander General or the SCVMC Company Captains and in the case of Company officers; those vacancies will be appointed by the General until such time that elections can be held. Any vacancy occurring amongst the leadership of the Battalion shall be filled by the General with the advice and consent of the Company Captains.
Article 5.0. MEETINGS.
5.1. General Membership Meeting. The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry, Regiment, Battalions, and Companies must hold at least one (1) general assembly (also known as General Membership Meeting) per year, usually scheduled during the Annual Confederation for the purpose of transacting necessary business, passing on information, and a forum for Mechanized Cavalry members to address issues to the Company Captains Council.
5.2. Company Captains Meetings. The Company Captains shall meet at least two (2) times in a twelve (12) month period and one of those meetings will be held the week of the General Membership Meeting. The business of those Company Captains meetings shall be placed before the General Membership Meeting. The General may call such a meeting of the Company Captains Council at such a time and place as he may deem proper.
6.1. General Membership. The General Membership of the SCVMC will have an annual membership meeting once (1) a year, held at an annual assembly usually sponsored by a different Company each year. The Company hosting the Annual will dictate the site and time of the event. The general membership of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall be the membership of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry “in-good standing” that are present and accounted for during the Annual Assembly.
6.2. Notice. Notice of the General Assembly shall be provided to every member “in-good standing” at least ninety (90) days in advance. Notification shall include the time and place of the Assembly as well as the general nature of the business to be transacted.
6.3. President. The Regimental Commander or General shall be the president of the Annual Assembly; he may, at his discretion, designate another individual to serve as the Annual Assembly president. The appointed president must be a member “in-good standing” of The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization and a member of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry.
6.4. Time and Place. The Regiment shall be assembled in an Annual Assembly at a time, date, and place fixed at least one (1) year in advance by the Company Captains, subject to approval by the Regimental Commander and the host Company Captain; and shall not be altered or changed except in the event of an emergency or other crucial circumstances.
6.5. Voting. Each member “in-good standing” with The Sons of the Confederate Veterans organization that is a member of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall have one (1) vote per motion on any subject offered to the floor by the Regimental Commander.
6.6. Officer Election. Instructions for Elections of officers are stated in paragraph 4.11. Officers at the company level can either be appointed by the company commander or elected by the members of the company at the Captain’s discretion.
7.1. Regimental Commander General. At an Annual Officers Call held before the Annual Assembly and held every other year, the membership of the Company Captains of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall elect a Regimental Commander General.
7.2. Battalion Officers. The Battalion Commander is appointed by the Regimental Commander but any further requirement for the Battalion staff shall be appointed by the Battalion Commander unless he sees fit to offer any positions up for election by the Company Captains within the Battalion. Any position appointed by the Battalion Commander shall be an aide to the Battalion Commander only and will hold no authority over the Company Captains. They can relay messages from the Battalion Commander, advise the Company Captains upon their request, and help to take complaints or reports to the Battalion Commander as he sees needed. They are unable to command, pressure, or sway a Company Captain in any way.
7.3. Company Captains. At each Company Assembly held every two years, the membership of each Company shall elect a Captain. It is the responsibility of each sitting Captain to conduct an impartial election for a new Captain.
7.4. Elected Term. Elected officers shall serve for a term of two (2) years or until their successors are elected. They may succeed themselves in the same office to which they were elected. There is no set number of times they can be reelected.
7.5. Re-Election. Elected officers shall retain the right of re-election so long as they have conducted fair elections in which all members of the Company have been given the right of voting.
Publication of Charges. A member of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry may be censured or suspended or expelled from membership only upon proper showing of cause. Those charges shall be in writing and of such detail as to aid into the investigation of those charges. Secondhand testimony shall not be considered. Charges of misconduct shall be based upon disloyalty, neglect of duty, dishonesty, and conduct unbecoming a member of The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization or The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry. An individual who willfully and publicly disavows the Mechanized Cavalry to include (social media posts, photographs burning cutting or other destruction of their service marks, refusal to surrender service marks when requested, public displays wearing patches of a parallel group) is banned from reinstatement. An individual who leaves the Mechanized Cavalry to join a parallel group and desires to return is treated as a new applicant with a 6-month active member requirement and ban from being elected to any office for 2 years. An individual who willfully creates a parallel group in direct competition with the SCV or the Mechanized Cavalry is banned from reinstatement.
Charges proffered by a Company must be against one of its own members. The Regimental Commander or the Company Captains may proffer charges against any member of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry.
Battalions and Companies should be instrumental in resolving conflicts of their own members and should only forward to Regimental Command those complaints and accusations of misconduct that cannot be resolved.
8.1 Procedure:
1. Charges against a member must be in writing and delivered to the accused with delivery confirmation. A copy of said charges shall be forwarded to the Battalion Commander and or Regimental Command.
2. Accused has 14 days from confirmed receipt of charges to answer charges, accept disciplinary action, or file a formal appeal.
a. Failure to answer charges or file an appeal within 14 days is an automatic acceptance of charges and disciplinary action.
3. Appeals shall be filed in writing or emailed to Battalion Commander for consideration.
a. If the Battalion Commander upholds the charges and denies the appeal, the accused shall be considered convicted, & accept disciplinary action of company.
b. If the Battalion Commander disagrees with the charges and rules in favor of the accused, the Company Captain may appeal the Battalion Commanders' decision to Regimental Command.
i. Battalion Commander has 30 days from receipt of appeal to decide the matter.
c. For an appeal forwarded to Regimental Command, Regimental Command shall make recommendations, or forward the matter to the Council of Captains for decision.
i. Regimental Command's recommendation's may be appealed by either side and forwarded to the Council of Captains for final decision.
d. The Council of Captains having been forwarded a member's appeal, shall investigate the matter, and conduct an in person closed hearing at the next scheduled officers’ call.
i. The accused shall be notified in writing and with delivery confirmation of the date, location, and time of said hearing.
ii. The accused may be present at said hearing, & testify in their own defense.
iii. Accused may call witnesses, and provide evidence for their defense.
iv. The Council of Captains acts as the final arbiter in the matter. The decision of the Council is final, & binding. There are no further appellate options, as the matter is now settled.
8.2 Charges against a Company Captain:
Any member of a company may proffer charges against their Company Captain by forwarding the details to their Battalion Commander for review, investigation, and confirmation. The Battalion commander shall make such recommendations to the council of captains for their action: 1. accusations cannot be substantiated – no action; 2. accusations were true and accurate and remedial action should be taken; 3. accusations were valid and substantial, and the Captain should be removed from his post or removed from the roles of the SCVMC.
8.3 Charges against a HQ Officer:
Charges against Head Quarters Officers. Charges shall be submitted by any Captain to the Regimental Commander. The determination of charges shall be the responsibility of the Regimental Commander and he shall remove the officer from his position or forward the case to the council of Captains if he feels the offense is of such a nature as to warrant the officer’s removal from the SCVMC.
8.4 Expelled Members:
Expelled members, having been given a thorough review by all levels of the SCVMC, may not reenter the rolls of the SCVMC under any circumstances and will be asked to return their Service Mark. The failure of the member to disqualify the accusations and evidence presented against him in a fair and impartial investigation, the time and effort spent by all parties in the investigation and search for a resolution of the problem, cannot be laid aside by time or the promise of rehabilitation. Therefore, no consideration of the return of the Service Mark or membership shall be given to the expelled member.
Article 9.0. AMENDMENTS.
9.1 Amending the Articles. The articles of these Standing Orders may be amended, altered, or repealed by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry present and voting in the Company Officers meeting of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry.
Revision Number | Date | Revision Details | Date Approved |
1 | Jun 14, 2017 | Change the rank of the commander and Lt. Commander to General and Colonel, respectively; Add 8.2.1. Charges against a Company Captain and 8.2.2. Charges against Head Quarters Officers. Modify Procedures in 8.3. to reflect the changes associated with charges against officers. Add a table of Revisions to the Standing Orders. | 14 Jun |
2 | June 22, 2020 | Para 1.3 Removed the following “, known as “in-good standing” (“in-good standing” may be the same as a member that is current on all dues owed to the Sons of Confederate Veterans organization).” | 22 June |
June 22, 2020 | Para 2.1 Removed the following “that are “in good standing”. | 22 June | |
3 | Jan 30 2021 | Para 3.2 Members of the Son of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall be attached to the Company of there residing State. Members on the border of a State can belong to the adjoining State/Company as long as both Captain’s have an approved written request from the member. A copy shall be maintained by SCVMC HQ for records as Captain’s change. Members must follow the Standing Orders/Company By-Laws of his attached Company. When visiting another State or Company members must follow the rules/By-Laws of that State at the direction of the Company Captain. If a member temporarily, less than 1 year, resides in another State he may remain attached to his home Company. | 30 Jan |
4 | Jan 30 2021 | 3.2.1. Transfer To SCV National Camp. If a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry transfers to the National SCV Headquarters Camp. They still belong to the Company of their residing State. No member shall be on their own, all members shall belong to a Company. If these requirements are not met the member be removed from the ranks of the SCVMC and his patch surrendered. | 30 Jan |
5 | Jun 17 2021 | 2.7. The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry has never been, is not now, nor shall ever be a motorcycle club. The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall be defined as a heritage preservation organization. No Company of the Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall ever own a clubhouse nor have a support club. | |
6 | 4 Feb 2023 | Changed Majors rank to Lt. Colonel Para 4.2, 4.5, 4.6, 4.10, 4.11, 8.3.1, 8.3.2. | |
7 | 10 June 2023 | 3.2. Requirements for Membership. No individual shall be admitted into membership who has not attained membership in The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization first. Before making application to the Sons of Confederate Mechanized Cavalry a candidate or recruit must be an active member of the SCV for 6 months. Company Captains will follow up with Camp Commanders for inquiry on the demeanor, honor and commitment of the candidate or recruit prior to accepting application into the Mechanized Cavalry. Some Companies (States) may have additional requirements (attending three meetings, participation in three rides, etc.) before a member is accepted into the Company.No individual shall be admitted into membership that has not met the additional requirements of the Company for which he is applying. If denied application candidate or recruit must wait another 6 months before being reconsidered. Members of the Son of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry shall be attached to the Company of there residing State. Members on the border of a State can belong to the adjoining State/Company as long as both Captains have an approved written request from the member. A copy shall be maintained by SCVMC HQ for records as Captain’s change. Members must follow the Standing Orders/Company By-Laws of his attached Company. When visiting another State or Company members must follow the rules/By-Laws of that State at the direction of the Company Captain. If a member temporarily, less than 1 year, resides in another State he may remain attached to his home Company. | 10 June 23 |
8 | 10 June 2023 | 8.1. Publication of Charges. A member of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry may be censured or suspended or expelled from membership only upon proper showing of cause. Those charges shall be in writing and of such detail as to aid into the investigation of those charges. Secondhand testimony shall not be considered. Charges of misconduct shall be based upon disloyalty, neglect of duty, dishonesty, and conduct unbecoming a member of The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization or The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry. An individual who willfully and publicly disavows the Mechanized Cavalry to include (social media posts, photographs burning cutting or other destruction of their service marks, refusal to surrender service marks when requested, public displays wearing patches of a parallel group) is banned from reinstatement. An individual who leaves the Mechanized Cavalry to join a parallel group and desires to return is treated as a new applicant with a 6-month active member requirement and ban from being elected to any office for 2 years. An individual who willfully creates a parallel group in direct competition with the SCV or the Mechanized Cavalry is banned from reinstatement. | 10 June 23 |
9 | 10 June 2023 | The following paragraph was voted on and passed by the Captain’s to be removed from the Standing Orders.
8.3.4. If the matters in question are not resolved in a timely manner by all echelons of the Mechanized Cavalry within sixty (60) days, then the charges shall be proffered in writing to the General Executive Council of The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization. | 10 June 23 |
10 | Feb 2024 | Amend Par to read: The Battalion Commander is appointed by the Regimental Commander but any further requirement for the Battalion staff shall be appointed by the Battalion Commander unless he sees fit to offer any positions up for election by the Company Captains within the Battalion. Any position appointed by the Battalion Commander shall be an aide to the Battalion Commander only and will hold no authority over the Company Captains. They can relay messages from the Battalion Commander, advise the Company Captains upon their request, and help to take complaints or reports to the Battalion Commander as he sees needed. They are unable to command, pressure, or sway a Company Captain in any way. | |
11 | Feb 2024 | Added Par 2.8: 2.8. All new members of the Mechanized cavalry must be of legal age of 18 years old. Any current members under 18 years old shall be under the supervision of the legal parent or guardian. Should the legal guardian or parent leave the Mechanized Cavalry, the said minor shall also leave the Mechanized Cavalry. | |
12 | Jun 2024 | Amended Par 4.11 to read: COMPANY OFFICERS. The membership of each Company shall normally elect a Captain (once every two years, schedule determined by the Company; some Company Captains may be temporarily appointed by the Regimental Commander in such cases as: a death, a sickness, failure or inability of the Captain to perform his duties, etc). This appointment is temporary until a proper Company election can be held. The election of this Officer is of prime importance to the health and welfare of not only the Company but of the SCV Mechanized Cavalry. The election of the Company Captain shall be by members present at the election only. The votes will be cast on a paper ballot with the members’ selection written on the ballot. The Captain of the Company shall be the principal officer in the Company and shall apply himself to organizing his Company. He has the duties of administration and supervision of his Company. He may create a staff of officers to aid in the running of the Company. The Captain shall represent the members of the Company in all matters at the Battalion and Regimental level. He shall provide the Battalion Lt. Colonel with a report twice a year. The Captain shall perform such other duties as, from time to time, be prescribed by the General, Headquarters Staff, the Company Captains, the Lt. Colonel of his Battalion, or the membership of his company. | |
13 | Jun 2024 | Amended Article 8.0 to read: DISCIPLINE AND ADMINISTRATION Publication of Charges. A member of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry may be censured or suspended or expelled from membership only upon proper showing of cause. Those charges shall be in writing and of such detail as to aid into the investigation of those charges. Secondhand testimony shall not be considered. Charges of misconduct shall be based upon disloyalty, neglect of duty, dishonesty, and conduct unbecoming a member of The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization or The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry. An individual who willfully and publicly disavows the Mechanized Cavalry to include (social media posts, photographs burning cutting or other destruction of their service marks, refusal to surrender service marks when requested, public displays wearing patches of a parallel group) is banned from reinstatement. An individual who leaves the Mechanized Cavalry to join a parallel group and desires to return is treated as a new applicant with a 6-month active member requirement and ban from being elected to any office for 2 years. An individual who willfully creates a parallel group in direct competition with the SCV or the Mechanized Cavalry is banned from reinstatement. Charges proffered by a Company must be against one of its own members. The Regimental Commander or the Company Captains may proffer charges against any member of The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry. Battalions and Companies should be instrumental in resolving conflicts of their own members and should only forward to Regimental Command those complaints and accusations of misconduct that cannot be resolved. 8.1 Procedure: 1. Charges against a member must be in writing and delivered to the accused with delivery confirmation. A copy of said charges shall be forwarded to the Battalion Commander and or Regimental Command. 2. Accused has 14 days from confirmed receipt of charges to answer charges, accept disciplinary action, or file a formal appeal. a. Failure to answer charges or file an appeal within 14 days is an automatic acceptance of charges and disciplinary action. 3. Appeals shall be filed in writing or emailed to Battalion Commander for consideration. a. If the Battalion Commander upholds the charges and denies the appeal, the accused shall be considered convicted, & accept disciplinary action of company. b. If the Battalion Commander disagrees with the charges and rules in favor of the accused, the Company Captain may appeal the Battalion Commanders' decision to Regimental Command. i. Battalion Commander has 30 days from receipt of appeal to decide the matter. c. For an appeal forwarded to Regimental Command, Regimental Command shall make recommendations, or forward the matter to the Council of Captains for decision. i. Regimental Command's recommendation's may be appealed by either side and forwarded to the Council of Captains for final decision. d. The Council of Captains having been forwarded a member's appeal, shall investigate the matter, and conduct an in person closed hearing at the next scheduled officers call. i. The accused shall be notified in writing and with delivery confirmation of the date, location, and time of said hearing. ii. The accused may be present at said hearing, & testify in their own defense. iii. Accused may call witnesses, and provide evidence for their defense. iv. The Council of Captains acts as the final arbiter in the matter. The decision of the Council is final, & binding. There are no further appellate options, as the matter is now settled. 8.2 Charges against a Company Captain: Any member of a company may proffer charges against their Company Captain by forwarding the details to their Battalion Commander for review, investigation, and confirmation. The Battalion commander shall make such recommendations to the council of captains for their action: 1. accusations cannot be substantiated – no action; 2. accusations were true and accurate and remedial action should be taken; 3. accusations were valid and substantial, and the Captain should be removed from his post or removed from the roles of the SCVMC. 8.3 Charges against a HQ Officer: Charges against Head Quarters Officers. Charges shall be submitted by any Captain to the Regimental Commander. The determination of charges shall be the responsibility of the Regimental Commander and he shall remove the officer from his position or forward the case to the council of Captains if he feels the offense is of such a nature as to warrant the officer’s removal from the SCVMC. 8.4 Expelled Members: Expelled members, having been given a thorough review by all levels of the SCVMC, may not reenter the rolls of the SCVMC under any circumstances and will be asked to return their Service Mark. The failure of the member to disqualify the accusations and evidence presented against him in a fair and impartial investigation, the time and effort spent by all parties in the investigation and search for a resolution of the problem, cannot be laid aside by time or the promise of rehabilitation. Therefore, no consideration of the return of the Service Mark or membership shall be given to the expelled member. |